The Proof API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
Environment | URL |
Staging | |
Trunk | |
Production | |
Example authenticated request:
# With http, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "<ENDPOINT>"
-H "Authorization: <API_KEY>"
Make sure to replace
with your API key. You can generate an API key by logging in and going to Billing & Configuration > API.
Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API key as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password. API keys can be generated within the web app in the Billing & Configuration > API page.
Proof uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx
range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx
range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, the request failed, etc.). Codes in the 5xx
range indicate an error with Proof's servers (these are rare).
Rate limit
All accounts start off with a rate limit of 1,800 requests per minute. If you make over 1,800 requests in a given minute, your requests will begin returning 429
status codes. If you need a higher limit, please contact Proof. A basic technique for integrations to gracefully handle limiting is to watch for 429
status codes and build in a retry mechanism. The retry mechanism should follow an exponential backoff schedule to reduce request volume when necessary.
Attempt Photos
Get attempt photo
Example response:
<image file>
HTTP Request
GET /attempt-photos/{attempt_photo_id}.{ext}
Get payment methods
Example response:
"id": 1,
"brand": "Visa",
"last4": "4242",
"address_zip": "12321",
"billing_name": "Martin",
"exp_month": 4,
"exp_year": 2024,
"default": true,
"shared": false,
"user_id": 2,
"label": "Abc",
"stripe_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"type": "CARD",
"status": "CONFIRMED"
HTTP Request
GET /billing/payment-methods
Checklist Templates
Checklist templates are used in conjunction with site visit jobs. When a site visit job is created a checklist_template_id must be provided in the JSON request.
Get checklist templates
Example response:
"id": 1,
"revision": 1,
"name": "Occupancy Check",
"description": "Verify occupancy with fast, accurate inspections.",
"icon": "OccupancyCheck",
"checklist": {
"items": [
"id": 1,
"question": "Take photos of front of building from left, right and center.",
"photos_required": true,
"min_photos_required": 3
"id": 2,
"answers": [
"label": "Yes",
"description_required": true
"label": "No",
"description_required": false
"label": "Other",
"description_required": true
"question": "Are there signs of human activity?",
"photos_required": false
"id": 3,
"answers": [
"label": "Yes",
"description_required": true
"label": "No",
"description_required": false
"label": "Other",
"description_required": true
"question": "Are there any personal belongings in the yard or on the patio?",
"photos_required": false
"id": 4,
"answers": [
"label": "Yes",
"description_required": true
"label": "No",
"description_required": false
"label": "Other",
"description_required": true
"question": "Are there any vehicles in driveway or carport?",
"photos_required": false
"id": 5,
"answers": [
"label": "Yes",
"description_required": true
"label": "No",
"description_required": false
"label": "Other",
"description_required": true
"question": "Is there any trash in the trash can(s)?",
"photos_required": false
"created_at": 1684502880815,
"updated_at": 1684502880815
"id": 2,
"revision": 1,
"name": "HOA",
"description": "Maintain community standards with reliable assessments.",
"icon": "HOA",
"checklist": {
"items": [
"id": 1,
"question": "Take photos of front of building from left, right and center.",
"photos_required": true,
"min_photos_required": 3
"id": 6,
"question": "Take photos of front yard from multiple angles.",
"photos_required": true,
"min_photos_required": 3
"created_at": 1684502880815,
"updated_at": 1684502880815
HTTP Request
GET /checklists/templates
Upload document
Example request body:
Example response:
"document": {
"filename": "file.pdf",
"size": 13264,
"page_count": "1",
"extension": "pdf",
"law_firm_id": 2,
"created_by_id": 2,
"updated_at": 1625161312000,
"created_at": 1625161312000,
"id": 893
"title": null,
"court_name": null,
"court_address": null,
"case_number": null,
"billing_number": null,
"court_date": null,
"plaintiffs": null,
"defendants": null,
"multiple_documents": null,
"page_count": null
HTTP Request
POST /documents
File should be sent as multipart/form-data
with the file sent under the file
In supported states we will attempt to parse and return pertinent information from the PDF file (e.g. document title, court name, plaintiffs, etc.). This data should be verified by the user before submitted.
Get document
Example response:
<pdf file>
HTTP Request
GET /documents/{document_id}.{ext}
Export jobs (csv)
Example response:
<csv file>
HTTP Request
GET /export/{start}/{end}/csv
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
start integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
end integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
Get invoices
Example response:
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 3,
"per_page": 10,
"total": 25,
"data": [
"id": 4,
"user_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"job_id": 8,
"total": 75,
"paid_amount": 75,
"paid": true,
"created_at": 1548853797000,
"updated_at": 1548853797000,
"deleted_at": null,
"balance": 0,
"line_items": [
"id": 1,
"invoice_id": 4,
"name": "Standard Serve (Base Fee)",
"description": "Servee: John Doe\nCase Number: C12345\nAttempts Made: 2\n",
"price": 25,
"quantity": 1,
"total": "25.0000000000",
"created_at": 1548853846000,
"updated_at": 1548853846000,
"deleted_at": null
"id": 2,
"invoice_id": 4,
"name": "Standard Serve (Bounty)",
"description": "Serve Date: 02/10/2019",
"price": 50,
"quantity": 1,
"total": "50.0000000000",
"created_at": 1548853846000,
"updated_at": 1548853846000,
"deleted_at": null
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
"email_chat_messages": 1,
"email_progress_updates": 1,
"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
"job": {
"id": 8,
"user_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"server_id": 6,
"original_job_id": null,
"new_job_id": 50,
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"contact_first_name": "",
"contact_last_name": "",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_phone": null,
"billing_number": "A00012345",
"court_name": "Jefferson County District Court",
"case_number": "CL35832",
"state_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_id": 1,
"stripe_card_id": "card_1Dy074Hg213tM5vxjBic4l40",
"post_serve": false,
"assign_date": null,
"created_by_id": 2,
"attempts_made": 2,
"last_attempt": "2019-03-27 16:30:34",
"successful_attempt": false,
"successful_at": null,
"completed_at": null,
"due_date": 1548435181000,
"originated_at": 1548340763000,
"subpoena": false,
"witness_fee": null,
"authorize_skiptrace": true,
"affidavit_extension": "pdf",
"review_period_ends": null,
"created_at": 1548340763000,
"updated_at": 1581529725000,
"deleted_at": null,
"same_address_job_id": null,
"attorney_name": null,
"attorney_bar_number": null,
"court_street_address": null,
"court_mailing_address": null,
"court_city": null,
"court_zip": null,
"court_branch_name": null,
"court_address": null,
"last_status_change": null,
"court_date": null,
"affidavit_status": "PENDING_TM_REVIEW",
"cancel_job_reason": null,
"affidavit_uploaded_at": "2020-10-04 01:07:06",
"salesforce_id": null,
"archived": false,
"off_app_assigned_to": "NOT_ASSIGNED",
"salesforce_user_id": "",
"affidavit_due_at": null,
"affidavit_reminders_sent": 0,
"last_affidavit_reminder_sent_at": null,
"attempt_reminders_sent": 0,
"last_attempt_reminder_sent_at": null,
"signed_affidavit_url": null,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty": 50,
"post_price": 45,
"servee": {
"id": 7,
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"job_id": 8,
"name": "Jane Smith",
"registered_agent_name": null,
"physical_description": true,
"race": "White",
"gender": "Male",
"hair_color": "Brown",
"marital_status": "Married",
"eye_glasses": "Yes",
"height": "5' 9\" to 6'",
"weight": "160 to 180 lbs",
"age": 30,
"notes": "He works from 9-5\nCompany name is Propel Technology",
"social_links": "",
"created_at": 1548083163000,
"updated_at": 1548083163000,
"deleted_at": null,
"primary_address": {
"id": 18,
"servee_id": 7,
"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"primary": true,
"longitude": -105.0596457,
"latitude": 39.8252367,
"county": "Jefferson County",
"created_at": 1548345974000,
"updated_at": 1558672808000,
"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"serve_pricing": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty_fee": 50,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
"email_chat_messages": 1,
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"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
HTTP Request
GET /invoices
Get invoice
Example response:
"id": 4,
"user_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"job_id": 8,
"total": 75,
"paid_amount": 75,
"paid": true,
"created_at": 1548853797000,
"updated_at": 1548853797000,
"deleted_at": null,
"balance": 0,
"line_items": [
"id": 1,
"invoice_id": 4,
"name": "Standard Serve (Base Fee)",
"description": "Servee: John Doe\nCase Number: C12345\nAttempts Made: 2\n",
"price": 25,
"quantity": 1,
"total": "25.0000000000",
"created_at": 1548853846000,
"updated_at": 1548853846000,
"deleted_at": null
"id": 2,
"invoice_id": 4,
"name": "Standard Serve (Bounty)",
"description": "Serve Date: 02/10/2019",
"price": 50,
"quantity": 1,
"total": "50.0000000000",
"created_at": 1548853846000,
"updated_at": 1548853846000,
"deleted_at": null
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
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"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
"law_firm": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Acme Law Firm",
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"email": "",
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"address_2": "#215",
"city": "Westminster",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80031",
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"email_invoices_to": null,
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"private_jobs": false,
"salesforce_connected": true
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"id": 8,
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"server_id": 6,
"original_job_id": null,
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"contact_last_name": "",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_phone": null,
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"court_name": "Jefferson County District Court",
"case_number": "CL35832",
"state_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_id": 1,
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"due_date": 1548435181000,
"originated_at": 1548340763000,
"subpoena": false,
"witness_fee": null,
"authorize_skiptrace": true,
"affidavit_extension": "pdf",
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"created_at": 1548340763000,
"updated_at": 1581529725000,
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"same_address_job_id": null,
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"court_city": null,
"court_zip": null,
"court_branch_name": null,
"court_address": null,
"last_status_change": null,
"court_date": null,
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"cancel_job_reason": null,
"affidavit_uploaded_at": "2020-10-04 01:07:06",
"salesforce_id": null,
"archived": false,
"off_app_assigned_to": "NOT_ASSIGNED",
"salesforce_user_id": "",
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"last_attempt_reminder_sent_at": null,
"signed_affidavit_url": null,
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"bounty": 50,
"post_price": 45,
"servee": {
"id": 7,
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"job_id": 8,
"name": "Jane Smith",
"registered_agent_name": null,
"physical_description": true,
"race": "White",
"gender": "Male",
"hair_color": "Brown",
"marital_status": "Married",
"eye_glasses": "Yes",
"height": "5' 9\" to 6'",
"weight": "160 to 180 lbs",
"age": 30,
"notes": "He works from 9-5\nCompany name is Propel Technology",
"social_links": "",
"created_at": 1548083163000,
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"deleted_at": null,
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"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"primary": true,
"longitude": -105.0596457,
"latitude": 39.8252367,
"county": "Jefferson County",
"created_at": 1548345974000,
"updated_at": 1558672808000,
"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"serve_pricing": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty_fee": 50,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
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"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
"payments": [
"id": 1,
"invoice_id": 4,
"stripe_customer_id": "",
"stripe_card_id": "",
"stripe_charge_id": "",
"type": "STRIPE",
"card_brand": "Visa",
"card_name": "Marty's Card",
"card_last_4": "8030",
"amount": 75,
"notes": null,
"created_at": 1550065265000,
"updated_at": 1550065265000,
"deleted_at": null
HTTP Request
GET /invoices/{invoice_id}
Get invoice pdf
Example response:
<pdf file>
HTTP Request
GET /invoices/{invoice_id}/pdf
Get all jobs
Example response:
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 16,
"per_page": 10,
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"contact_last_name": "",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_phone": null,
"billing_number": "A00012345",
"court_name": "Jefferson County District Court",
"case_number": "CL35832",
"state_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_id": 1,
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"last_attempt": "2019-03-27 16:30:34",
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"due_date": 1548435181000,
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"subpoena": false,
"witness_fee": null,
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"affidavit_extension": "pdf",
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"updated_at": 1581529725000,
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"law_firm_id": null,
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"state_id": 1,
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"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false,
"state": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Colorado",
"abbreviation": "CO",
"allow_jobs": true,
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"allow_work_sub": true,
"created_at": 1596844801000,
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"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": true,
"requires_notary_nonservice": true,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 5,
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"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
"servee": {
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"height": "5' 9\" to 6'",
"weight": "160 to 180 lbs",
"age": 30,
"notes": "He works from 9-5\nCompany name is Propel Technology",
"social_links": "",
"created_at": 1548083163000,
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"address_2": "",
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"user": {
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"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"offered_server": null,
"same_address_jobs": [],
"flags": []
HTTP Request
GET /jobs
Create a job
Example request body:
"court_name": "Denver County Court",
"court_address": "520 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80204",
"case_number": "CV-12345",
"court_date": "2020-07-30",
"user_id": 2,
"state_id": 1,
"post_serve": false,
"billing_number": "P12345",
"status": "UNASSIGNED",
"stripe_card_id": "card_1Dy074Hg213tM5vxjBic4l40",
"payment_method_id": 1,
"plaintiffs": [
"name": "John Doe"
"defendants": [
"name": "Jane Smith"
"documents": [
"id": 894,
"name": "Summons"
"servees": [
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Jane Smith",
"physical_description": true,
"race": "White",
"gender": "Male",
"hair_color": "Blonde",
"marital_status": "Married",
"eye_glasses": "No",
"height": "5' 9\" to 6'",
"weight": "160 lbs to 180 lbs",
"age": "35",
"serve_pricing_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_name": "Standard",
"notes": "The servee is usually working from 9am to 5pm.",
"subpoena": false,
"authorize_skiptrace": false,
"same_address": false,
"documents": [
"servee_addresses": [
"type": "WORK",
"business_name": "Glade Voogt Lopez Smith",
"address_1": "1800 N Gaylord St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80206",
"primary": true
"type": "HOME",
"address_1": "1437 Bannock St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80202"
"servee_photos": [
"id": 155
"special_requirements": [
"id": 18,
"title": "Already existing requirement",
"created_at": "2022-09-14T13:23:55.19456Z",
"is_default": true,
"updated_at": "2022-09-20T18:32:41.295653Z",
"instructions": "Please do this additional task"
"title":"I am a new TM requirement that will be saved for use again",
"is_default": true,
"is_internal": true,
"save_for_later": true,
"instructions": "have a good day"
Example response:
"jobs": [
"court_name": "Denver County Court",
"court_address": "520 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80204",
"case_number": "CV-12345",
"court_date": "2020-07-30",
"user_id": 2,
"state_id": 1,
"billing_number": "P12345",
"status": "UNASSIGNED",
"stripe_card_id": "card_1Dy074Hg213tM5vxjBic4l40",
"originated_at": 1625161317000,
"serve_pricing_id": 1,
"authorize_skiptrace": false,
"post_serve": false,
"subpoena": false,
"last_status_change": 1625161317000,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"created_by_id": 2,
"updated_at": 1625161317000,
"created_at": 1625161317000,
"id": 256,
"signed_affidavit_url": null,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty": 50,
"post_price": 45,
"servee": {
"id": 255,
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"job_id": 256,
"name": "Jane Smith",
"registered_agent_name": null,
"physical_description": true,
"race": "White",
"gender": "Male",
"hair_color": "Blonde",
"marital_status": "Married",
"eye_glasses": "No",
"height": "5' 9\" to 6'",
"weight": "160 lbs to 180 lbs",
"age": 35,
"notes": "The servee is usually working from 9am to 5pm.",
"social_links": null,
"created_at": 1625161317000,
"updated_at": 1625161317000,
"deleted_at": null,
"servee_photos": [
"id": 155,
"servee_id": 255,
"filename": "file.png",
"extension": "png",
"access_key": "wA4ze91k2pIbOLFUsTWd9ZxvftRLFR4E",
"created_at": 1625161317000,
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"created_by_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2
"servee_addresses": [
"id": 398,
"servee_id": 255,
"type": "WORK",
"business_name": "Glade Voogt Lopez Smith",
"address_1": "1800 N Gaylord St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80206",
"primary": true,
"longitude": -104.9606913,
"latitude": 39.7450098,
"county": "Denver County",
"created_at": 1625161317000,
"updated_at": 1625161318000,
"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"id": 399,
"servee_id": 255,
"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "1437 Bannock St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80202",
"primary": false,
"longitude": -104.9907968,
"latitude": 39.7392296,
"county": "Denver County",
"created_at": 1625161318000,
"updated_at": 1625161318000,
"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"primary_address": {
"id": 398,
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"type": "WORK",
"business_name": "Glade Voogt Lopez Smith",
"address_1": "1800 N Gaylord St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80206",
"primary": true,
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"latitude": 39.7450098,
"county": "Denver County",
"created_at": 1625161317000,
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"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"state": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Colorado",
"abbreviation": "CO",
"allow_jobs": true,
"allow_residential_sub": true,
"allow_work_sub": true,
"created_at": 1596844801000,
"updated_at": 1596844801000,
"deleted_at": null,
"affidavit_service_title": "Affidavit of Service",
"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": true,
"requires_notary_nonservice": true,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 5,
"summons_serve_stamp": false,
"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
"serve_pricing": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty_fee": 50,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"defendants": [],
"plaintiffs": [],
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
"email_chat_messages": 1,
"email_progress_updates": 1,
"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
HTTP Request
POST /jobs
- Documents should be uploaded beforehand using the Upload Document endpoint.
- Servee photos should be uploaded beforehand using the Upload Servee Photo endpoint.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
court_name string |
court_address string |
case_number string |
court_date string |
user_id int, required |
References a user 's id |
state_id integer, required |
Reference state id from Get All States |
billing_number string, required |
This should be a unique internal reference #. |
status string, required |
stripe_card_id string, required |
DEPRECATED: see payment_method_id |
post_serve boolean |
Default: false |
payment_method_id int, required |
Reference id from Get payment methods. Used in place of stripe_card_id. |
plaintiffs array |
plaintiffs.*.name string, required |
defendants array |
defendants.*.name string, required |
documents array, required |
documents.*.id integer, required |
Reference previously uploaded document id from Upload Document |
documents.*.name string, required |
servees array, required |
servees.*.type string, required |
servees.*.name string, required |
servees.*.physical_description boolean |
Default: false |
servees.*.race string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.gender string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.hair_color string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.marital_status string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.eye_glasses string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.height string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.weight string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.age string |
If physical_description is false, don't provide. |
servees.*.serve_pricing_id integer, required |
References serve pricing id from Get Serve Pricings ID from the state_id . |
servees.*.serve_pricing_name string, required |
servees.*.notes string |
servees.*.subpoena boolean |
Default: false |
servees.*.authorize_skiptrace boolean |
Default: false |
servees.*.same_address boolean|integer |
Default: false . If not false , it should be the index of the parent servee at the same address. |
servees.*.documents array, required |
servees.*.documents.* integer, required |
Reference previously uploaded document id from Upload Document |
servees.*.servee_addresses array, required |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.type string, required |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.business_name array |
Should be provided if type is one of WORK , REGISTERED_AGENT , ENTITY |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.address_1 string, required |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.address_2 string |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.city string, required |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.state_id integer, required |
Reference state id from Get All States |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.zip string, required |
servees.*.servee_addresses.*.primary boolean, required |
Only one address should be have primary to true |
servees.*.servee_photos array |
servees.*.servee_photos.*.id integer, required |
References servee photo id from Upload Servee Photo. |
special_requirements array SpecialRequirement, Max 8 |
JSON object from Get special requirements |
Create a site visit job
Example request body:
"billing_number": "P12345",
"payment_method_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_id": 377,
"cced_users": [1,2,3],
"checklist_template_id": 2,
"property_address": {
"type": "HOME",
"address_1": "8120 Sheridan Boulevard",
"address_2": "Apt 300",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 6,
"zip": "80003"
Example response:
"id": 101766,
"user_id": 8,
"law_firm_id": 7,
"status": "UNASSIGNED",
"type": "SITE_VISIT",
"billing_number": "100",
"state_id": 42,
"serve_pricing_id": 377,
"payment_method_id": 1,
"created_by_id": 8,
"attempts_made": 0,
"originated_at": 1719948443844,
"created_at": 1719948443917,
"updated_at": 1719948444142,
"last_status_change": 1719948445732,
"base_fee": 50,
"territory_manager_id": 4,
"servee": {
"id": 101766,
"servee_addresses": [
"id": 105628,
"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "8120 Sheridan Boulevard",
"address_2": "Apt 300",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 6,
"zip": "80003",
"primary": true,
"pending": false,
"longitude": -105.052024,
"latitude": 39.8437682,
"county": "Adams County",
"deleted_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"timezone": "America/Denver",
"state": {
"id": 6,
"name": "Alabama",
"abbreviation": "AL",
"allow_jobs": true,
"allow_residential_sub": false,
"allow_work_sub": false,
"created_at": 1557771726000,
"updated_at": 1553048780000,
"deleted_at": null,
"affidavit_service_title": "Affidavit of Service",
"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": false,
"requires_notary_nonservice": false,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 0,
"summons_serve_stamp": false,
"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
"skip_trace_used": false
"age": null,
"authorize_skiptrace": false,
"eye_glasses": null,
"gender": null,
"hair_color": null,
"height": null,
"marital_status": null,
"name": "8120 Sheridan Boulevard, Apt 300, Arvada, CO 80003",
"notes": null,
"physical_description": false,
"post_serve": false,
"primary_address": {
"id": 105628,
"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "8120 Sheridan Boulevard",
"address_2": "Apt 300",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 6,
"zip": "80003",
"primary": true,
"pending": false,
"longitude": -105.052024,
"latitude": 39.8437682,
"county": "Adams County",
"deleted_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"state": {
"id": 6,
"name": "Alabama",
"abbreviation": "AL",
"allow_jobs": true,
"allow_residential_sub": false,
"allow_work_sub": false,
"created_at": 1557771726000,
"updated_at": 1553048780000,
"deleted_at": null,
"affidavit_service_title": "Affidavit of Service",
"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": false,
"requires_notary_nonservice": false,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 0,
"summons_serve_stamp": false,
"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
"skip_trace_used": false
"serve_pricing_id": 377,
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"serve_docs_prints_remaining": 2,
"affidavit_prints_remaining": 2,
"checklist_template_id": 2,
"checklist_template_revision": 1,
"checklist_template": {
"id": 2,
"revision": 1,
"name": "HOA",
"description": "Maintain community standards with reliable assessments.",
"icon": "HOA",
"checklist": {
"items": [
"id": 1,
"question": "Take photos of front of building from left, right and center.",
"photos_required": true,
"min_photos_required": 3
"id": 6,
"question": "Take photos of front yard from multiple angles.",
"photos_required": true,
"min_photos_required": 3
"created_at": 1684502880815,
"updated_at": 1684502880815
HTTP Request
POST /jobs?type=SITE_VISIT
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
billing_number string, required |
This should be a unique internal reference #. |
payment_method_id int, required |
Reference id from Get payment methods. |
serve_pricing_id integer, required |
References serve pricing id from Get Serve Pricings. Note: The serve pricing job_type query param must be set to SITE_VISIT when making the get serve pricings call. |
checklist_template_id integer, required |
References checklist template id from Get Checklist Templates. |
property_address object, required |
Address of the site visit location. |
property_address.*.type string, required |
property_address.*.address_1 string, required |
property_address.*.address_2 string |
property_address.*.city string, required |
property_address.*.state_id int, required |
Reference state id from Get All States |
property_address.*.zip string, required |
cced_users array |
Array of user ids to recieve notifications about the job. |
Get job
Example response:
"id": 160,
"user_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"server_id": 14,
"original_job_id": null,
"new_job_id": null,
"status": "PENDING_NOTARY",
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HTTP Request
GET /jobs/{job_id}
Cancel job
Example response:
"success": true
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/cancel
Extend job deadline
Example request body:
"days": 2
Example response:
"due_date": 1554840330000
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/extend
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
days float, required |
The number of days to extend the job due_date by. This can include decimal points (e.g. 2.5 days) |
Flag a job
Example request body:
"description": "Could you please make X correction in the affidavit?"
Example response:
"description": "Could you please make X correction in the affidavit?",
"created_by_id": 13,
"job_id": 160,
"updated_at": 1625161316000,
"created_at": 1625161316000,
"id": 61
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/flag
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
type string, required |
description string, required |
Resolve a flag
Example request body:
"resolution_notes": "We have updated the address."
Example response:
"id": 62,
"job_id": 160,
"created_by_id": 13,
"description": "Could you please make X correction in the affidavit?",
"resolved": true,
"resolution_notes": "We have updated the address.",
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"updated_at": 1625161316000
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/flag/{flag_id}/resolve
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
resolution_notes string |
Send chat message
Example request body:
"message": "This is an example chat message."
Example response:
"message": "This is an example chat message.",
"job_id": 160,
"user_id": 2,
"updated_at": 1625161314000,
"created_at": 1625161314000,
"id": 223
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/messages
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
message string, required |
Get chat messages
Example response:
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"email_affidavits": false,
"law_firm": null
HTTP Request
GET /jobs/{job_id}/messages
Mark messages as read
Example response:
"success": true
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/messages/{message_id}/read
Mark a given message as read, as well as all messages sent previous to that message.
Add an address
Example request body:
"type": "WORK",
"business_name": "Acme Corp, Inc.",
"address_1": "12345 Some St.",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80014",
"primary": true
Example response:
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"address_2": null,
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"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
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"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
HTTP Request
POST /jobs/{job_id}/servees/{servee_id}/addresses
Delete an address
Example response:
"success": true
HTTP Request
DELETE /jobs/{job_id}/servees/{servee_id}/addresses/{address_id}
Law Firms
Get current law firm
Example response:
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"email": "",
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"allow_post_payment": false,
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"automated_statement_emails": true,
"affidavit_add_all_attempts": true,
"automated_statement_recipients": "",
HTTP Request
GET /law-firms/current
Get special requirements
Example response:
"id": 134,
"title": "aaaaa",
"instructions": "123",
"is_default": true,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"last_updated_by": {
"id": 199,
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"first_name": "User",
"email": "",
"stripe_default_payment_method_id": null,
"email_verified": true,
"phone_number": "111-111-1111",
"address_1": "1802 N Gaylord St",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80206",
"created_at": 1660062112023,
"updated_at": 1683913724176,
"new_user": true,
"notes": null,
"notify_hours": 1,
"email_affidavits": true,
"active": true,
"email_chat_messages": true,
"email_progress_updates": true,
"email_reassigned": true,
"email_job_completed": true,
"email_job_pending_firm_action": true,
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"administrator": false,
"created_at": "2023-04-06T12:37:18.084663Z",
"updated_at": "2023-04-06T12:37:18.084663Z"
HTTP Request
GET /law-firms/{law-firm-id}/special-requirement
Create a special requirement
Special requirements are used to add additional requirements for the Proof Specialist or Server to a job.
Example request body:
"title": "Back door check",
"instructions": "please check the back door",
"is_default": true,
"is_internal": false,
Example response:
"id": 133,
"instructions": "new requirement",
"is_default": true,
"is_internal": true,
"last_updated_by_id": 162,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"title": "My New Req",
"created_at": "2023-10-03T14:40:58.507102923Z",
"updated_at": "2023-10-03T14:40:58.507103173Z",
"deleted_at": null
HTTP Request
POST /law-firms/{law-firm-id}/special-requirement
Get notifications
Example response:
"id": 327,
"user_id": 2,
"job_id": 160,
"type": "MESSAGE",
"author_id": 13,
"action": null,
"message": "Hello",
"message_2": null,
"emailed": 0,
"read": false,
"created_at": 1625159254000,
"updated_at": 1625159254000,
"message_id": 212,
"author_system": 0,
"author": {
"id": 13,
"law_firm_id": null,
"type": "PROOF",
"name": "Admin Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Admin",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"administrator": false,
"phone_number": null,
"state_id": 1,
"created_at": 1550875352000,
"updated_at": 1602128130000,
"deleted_at": null,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false
"job": {
"id": 160,
"user_id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"server_id": 14,
"original_job_id": null,
"new_job_id": null,
"status": "PENDING_NOTARY",
"contact_first_name": "Marty",
"contact_last_name": "Wachocki",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_phone": "7347304250",
"billing_number": "123",
"court_name": "District Court, County Of Adams, State Of",
"case_number": "2018CV31346",
"state_id": 1,
"serve_pricing_id": 2,
"stripe_card_id": "card_1Dy074Hg213tM5vxjBic4l40",
"post_serve": false,
"assign_date": "2019-04-04 20:05:30",
"created_by_id": 2,
"attempts_made": 1,
"last_attempt": "2019-04-04 20:35:29",
"successful_attempt": true,
"successful_at": 1554410129000,
"completed_at": null,
"due_date": 1554667530000,
"originated_at": 1554126237000,
"subpoena": false,
"witness_fee": null,
"authorize_skiptrace": false,
"affidavit_extension": null,
"review_period_ends": null,
"created_at": 1554126237000,
"updated_at": 1625156672000,
"deleted_at": null,
"same_address_job_id": null,
"attorney_name": null,
"attorney_bar_number": null,
"court_street_address": null,
"court_mailing_address": null,
"court_city": null,
"court_zip": null,
"court_branch_name": null,
"court_address": null,
"last_status_change": null,
"court_date": null,
"affidavit_status": "PENDING_TM_REVIEW",
"cancel_job_reason": null,
"affidavit_uploaded_at": "2020-09-29 05:45:04",
"salesforce_id": null,
"archived": false,
"off_app_assigned_to": "NOT_ASSIGNED",
"salesforce_user_id": "",
"affidavit_due_at": "2021-07-02 04:24:32",
"affidavit_reminders_sent": 0,
"last_affidavit_reminder_sent_at": null,
"attempt_reminders_sent": 0,
"last_attempt_reminder_sent_at": null,
"signed_affidavit_url": null,
"base_fee": 45,
"bounty": 80,
"post_price": 0,
"servee": {
"id": 159,
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"job_id": 160,
"name": "Test Servee",
"registered_agent_name": null,
"physical_description": false,
"race": null,
"gender": null,
"hair_color": null,
"marital_status": "",
"eye_glasses": null,
"height": null,
"weight": null,
"age": null,
"notes": null,
"social_links": null,
"created_at": 1554126237000,
"updated_at": 1554126237000,
"deleted_at": null,
"primary_address": {
"id": 209,
"servee_id": 159,
"type": "HOME",
"business_name": null,
"address_1": "8120 Sheridan Boulevard",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 6,
"zip": "80003",
"primary": true,
"longitude": -105.052024,
"latitude": 39.8437682,
"county": "Adams County",
"created_at": 1554126238000,
"updated_at": 1558672808000,
"deleted_at": null,
"timezone": "America/Denver"
"serve_pricing": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Expedited",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 45,
"bounty_fee": 80,
"diy_price": 125,
"post_price": null,
"post_duration": null,
"initial_duration": 259200,
"total_duration": 259200,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"user": {
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
"email_chat_messages": 1,
"email_progress_updates": 1,
"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false,
"law_firm": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Acme Law Firm",
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"email": "",
"address_1": "8753 Yates Dr",
"address_2": "#215",
"city": "Westminster",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80031",
"created_at": 1548272881000,
"updated_at": 1607363359000,
"deleted_at": null,
"email_invoices_to": null,
"free_credits": "475.0000000000",
"api_enabled": true,
"private_jobs": false,
"salesforce_connected": true
HTTP Request
GET /notifications
Mark notifications as read
Example request body:
"ids": [
Example response:
"success": true
HTTP Request
POST /notifications/read
Serve Pricings
Get serve pricings
Example response:
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty_fee": 50,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
HTTP Request
GET /serve-pricings/{state_id}
Defaults to getting serve pricings for serve jobs.
Add the job_type query param to get site visit serve pricings.
GET /serve-pricings/{state_id}?job_type=SITE_VISIT
Get serve pricings by address
Example response:
"id": 1,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 1,
"base_fee": 25,
"bounty_fee": 50,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
HTTP Request
GET /serve-pricings/address?address_1=1800+N+Gaylord+St&city=Denver&state_id=1&zip=80206&job_type=SERVE
job_type: SERVE | SITE_VISIT
Servee Photos
Upload servee photo
Example request body:
Example response:
"filename": "file.png",
"extension": "png",
"law_firm_id": 2,
"created_by_id": 2,
"access_key": "sVUoraXLtzAGtB1NTI3yE7R3QPBCKKx9",
"updated_at": 1625161318000,
"created_at": 1625161318000,
"id": 156
HTTP Request
POST /servee-photos
Get servee photo
Example response:
<image file>
HTTP Request
GET /servee-photos/{servee_photo_id}.{ext}
Get all states
Example response:
"id": 6,
"name": "Alabama",
"abbreviation": "AL",
"allow_jobs": true,
"allow_residential_sub": false,
"allow_work_sub": false,
"created_at": 1557771726000,
"updated_at": 1553048780000,
"deleted_at": null,
"affidavit_service_title": "Affidavit of Service",
"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": false,
"requires_notary_nonservice": false,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 0,
"summons_serve_stamp": false,
"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0,
"serve_pricings": [
"id": 21,
"name": "Standard",
"state_id": 6,
"base_fee": 35,
"bounty_fee": 40,
"diy_price": 75,
"post_price": 45,
"post_duration": 172800,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"id": 22,
"name": "Expedited",
"state_id": 6,
"base_fee": 45,
"bounty_fee": 80,
"diy_price": 125,
"post_price": null,
"post_duration": null,
"initial_duration": 259200,
"total_duration": 259200,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"id": 23,
"name": "Same Day",
"state_id": 6,
"base_fee": 75,
"bounty_fee": 150,
"diy_price": 225,
"post_price": null,
"post_duration": null,
"initial_duration": 86400,
"total_duration": 86400,
"total_attempts": 4,
"updated_at": 1548331771000,
"created_at": 1548331771000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 0
"id": 231,
"name": "Garnishment",
"state_id": 6,
"base_fee": 40,
"bounty_fee": 0,
"diy_price": 0,
"post_price": 0,
"post_duration": 0,
"initial_duration": 604800,
"total_duration": 604800,
"total_attempts": 2,
"updated_at": 1612845039000,
"created_at": 1612845039000,
"creditor_only": 0,
"collection_only": 1
"supplementary_pricings": [
"id": 19,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Skip Trace",
"price": "$75",
"description": "Find updated address(es) for servee.",
"server_cut": false,
"server_price": "$41.25",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 79,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Extended Travel Areas",
"price": "$50+",
"description": "A server may charge an additional fee for rural or other areas requiring additional travel time or costs to reach areas.",
"server_cut": false,
"server_price": "$27.5+",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 80,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Witness Fee Convenience Charge",
"price": "10%",
"description": "10% of the witness fee amount will be charged for printing & delivery of check. $2 min / $25 max.",
"server_cut": false,
"server_price": null,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 81,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Additional Serve at Same Address",
"price": "50% reduction",
"description": "Each Additional Serve at Same Address. 50% reduction in payout on each additional serve at the same address.",
"server_cut": true,
"server_price": "50% reduction",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 82,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Military Base and Jail/Prison Serve",
"price": "$75",
"description": "Additional payout for serves at military bases and jails/prisons.",
"server_cut": true,
"server_price": "$13.75",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 83,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "On-demand Surveillance",
"price": "Up to $75/hour",
"description": "As needed survelliance for evasive servees. 2 hour minimum.",
"server_cut": false,
"server_price": "Up to $41.25/hour",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 84,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Additional Addresses",
"price": "$35 - $75",
"description": "If a serve address is updated after a server has made any or all 4 attempts on the original address. The payout is based on the base payout for the type of serve (as listed above).",
"server_cut": true,
"server_price": "$16.50 - $41.25",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": 85,
"state_id": 6,
"name": "Document Printing",
"price": "10\u00a2",
"description": "A fee of 10\u00a2 per page may be added for jobs with more than 100 printed pages.",
"server_cut": false,
"server_price": null,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
HTTP Request
GET /states
Get state rules
Example response:
"id": 1,
"state_id": 1,
"rule": "Test rule #1",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
HTTP Request
GET /states/{state_id}/rules
Export statement (csv)
Example response:
<csv file>
HTTP Request
GET /statements/{start}/{end}/csv
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
start integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
end integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
Export statement (pdf)
Example response:
<pdf file>
HTTP Request
GET /statements/{start}/{end}/pdf
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
start integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
end integer, required |
UNIX Timestamp in milliseconds |
Get current user
Example response:
"id": 2,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"type": "FIRM",
"name": "Marty Wachocki",
"last_name": "Wachocki",
"first_name": "Marty",
"active": 1,
"email": "",
"stripe_default_card_id": "card_1Hz7FKHg213tM5vxSS07Qj5Q",
"email_invoices": true,
"email_notifications": true,
"email_verified": true,
"administrator": true,
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"address_1": "7154 Eaton Ct",
"address_2": null,
"city": "Arvada",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80003",
"created_at": 1548158103000,
"updated_at": 1608152958000,
"deleted_at": null,
"new_user": 0,
"rating_count": 0,
"email_chat_messages": 1,
"email_progress_updates": 1,
"email_reassigned": 1,
"email_job_completed": 1,
"notify_hours": 1,
"total_job_count": 0,
"total_job_count_5_stars": 0,
"table_style": "DEFAULT",
"coupon_code": null,
"last_cdp_update": null,
"email_affidavits": false,
"law_firm": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Acme Law Firm",
"phone_number": "7347304250",
"email": "",
"address_1": "8753 Yates Dr",
"address_2": "#215",
"city": "Westminster",
"state_id": 1,
"zip": "80031",
"created_at": 1548272881000,
"updated_at": 1607363359000,
"deleted_at": null,
"email_invoices_to": null,
"free_credits": "475.0000000000",
"api_enabled": true,
"private_jobs": false,
"salesforce_connected": true
"state": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Colorado",
"abbreviation": "CO",
"allow_jobs": true,
"allow_residential_sub": true,
"allow_work_sub": true,
"created_at": 1596844801000,
"updated_at": 1596844801000,
"deleted_at": null,
"affidavit_service_title": "Affidavit of Service",
"affidavit_nonservice_title": "Affidavit of Nonservice",
"requires_notary_service": true,
"requires_notary_nonservice": true,
"allow_sunday_serve": 1,
"average_server_rating": 5,
"summons_serve_stamp": false,
"attach_summons_position": "PREPENDED",
"show_prior_attempts_posting": 0
"states": []
HTTP Request
GET /users/current
Create webhook endpoint
Example response:
"url": "",
"enabled": true,
"version": 1,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"updated_at": 1625161320000,
"created_at": 1625161320000,
"id": 50
HTTP Request
POST /webhooks
Get webhook endpoints
Example response:
"id": 51,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"url": "",
"version": 1,
"enabled": 1,
"event_job_status_change": 0,
"event_job_deleted": 0,
"event_job_extended": 0,
"event_job_attempt_created": 0,
"event_job_attempt_updated": 0,
"event_job_attempt_deleted": 0,
"event_job_flag_created": 0,
"event_job_flag_resolved": 0,
"event_job_chat_message": 0,
"created_at": 1625161320000,
"updated_at": 1625161320000
HTTP Request
GET /webhooks
Get webhook calls
Example response:
"current_page": 1,
"data": [
"id": 5,
"webhook_endpoint_id": 52,
"law_firm_id": 2,
"endpoint_url": "",
"successful": 1,
"request_body": "{}",
"response_body": "{}",
"response_status_code": 200,
"attempts": 1,
"last_attempt": "2021-07-01 17:42:00",
"created_at": 1625161320000,
"updated_at": 1625161320000,
"first_page_url": "http://localhost:3000/v1/webhooks/calls?page=1",
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"last_page_url": "http://localhost:3000/v1/webhooks/calls?page=1",
"links": [
"url": null,
"label": "pagination.previous",
"active": false
"url": "http://localhost:3000/v1/webhooks/calls?page=1",
"label": "1",
"active": true
"url": null,
"label": "",
"active": false
"next_page_url": null,
"path": "http://localhost:3000/v1/webhooks/calls",
"per_page": 10,
"prev_page_url": null,
"to": 1,
"total": 1
HTTP Request
GET /webhooks/calls
Webhook Events
Webhook endpoints are configured through the web interface in the Billing & Configuration > API page.
In the API page, click Add endpoint to reveal a form to add a new endpoint for receiving events. You can enter any URL as the destination for events. You can choose to be notified of all event types, or only specific ones. You can find a full list of all event types below.
Event types
Event ID | Description |
JOB_STATUS_CHANGE | When a job's status changes (e.g. In Progress -> Pending Notary) |
JOB_DELETED | When a job is deleted |
JOB_EXTENDED | When a job's deadline is extended |
JOB_ATTEMPT_CREATED | When an attempt is created on a given job |
JOB_ATTEMPT_UPDATED | When an attempt is updated on a given job |
JOB_ATTEMPT_DELETED | When an attempt is deleted on a given job |
JOB_FLAG_CREATED | When a job is flagged for any reason (e.g. bad address) |
JOB_FLAG_RESOLVED | When a job flag is resolved |
JOB_CHAT_MESSAGE | When a new chat message is received on a job |
Webhook payload examples
Example JOB_STATUS_CHANGE payload:
"created_at": 1696337002725,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146,
"old_status": "UNASSIGNED",
"new_status": "ASSIGNED"
Example JOB_DELETED payload:
"event": "JOB_DELETED",
"created_at": 1696339533678,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146
Example JOB_EXTENDED payload:
"event": "JOB_EXTENDED",
"created_at": 1696340853704,
"data": {
"job_id": 3145,
"days_extended": 7,
"old_due_date": "2023-10-13T12:37:16.458259Z",
"new_due_date": "2023-10-20T12:37:16.458259Z"
Example JOB_ATTEMPT_CREATED payload:
"created_at": 1696337321265,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146,
"attempt_id": 994,
"type": true
Example JOB_ATTEMPT_UPDATED payload:
"created_at": 1696339428638,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146,
"attempt_id": 994,
"type": true
Example JOB_ATTEMPT_DELETED payload:
"created_at": 1696339533678,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146,
"attempt_id": 994
Example JOB_FLAG_CREATED payload:
"event": "JOB_FLAG_CREATED",
"created_at": 1696341106559,
"data": {
"job_id": 3145,
"flag_id": 412,
"type": "BAD_ADDRESS",
"description": "No house on site.",
"created_by_id": 13,
"created_by_name": "John Doe",
"created_by_type": "SERVER"
Example JOB_FLAG_RESOLVED payload:
"created_at": 1696341195035,
"data": {
"job_id": 3145,
"flag_id": 412,
"type": "BAD_ADDRESS",
"description": "Ok",
"ResolvedByID": 14,
"ResolvedByName": "Jane Doe",
"ResolvedByType": "PROOF"
Example JOB_CHAT_MESSAGE payload:
"event": "JOB_CHAT_MESSAGE",
"created_at": 1696339851387,
"data": {
"job_id": 3146,
"user_name": "John Doe",
"user_type": "SERVER",
"message": "Hello, how are you?"
Each webhook request will include the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
event | The event type that triggered the event |
data | Data object containing information specific to the event |
For testing webhooks, we recommend a useful service called Request Bin, which allows you to inspect arbitrary webhook requests.
If a JOB_STATUS_CHANGE events new_status field is REASSIGNED, an additional field called new_job_id will be present in the data. This is the job ID of the newly created job.